
Yield for Maturity
Yield Stability
Drought Tolerance

6809 Wilburn Rd • Sun Prairie, WI 53590 • 1-800-BUY-RENK • renkseed.com
Scale: 9 = Excellent or Tall, 1 = Poor or Short

Results in Yield Environment

% of Average   Results in Predominant Soil Type % of Average
High: 98(11)   Heavy: 99(27)
Medium: 98(79)   Medium: 98(57)
Low: 101(7)   Light: 98(12)
Numbers above are variety's yield versus plot average expressed as %. The higher the number the better. the number in parentheses is number of plots in that set.

Yield for corn: High > 225 bu/acre, Medium is 225 to 150 bu/acre and Low < 150 bu/acre
Yield for soybeans: High > 70 bu/acre, Medium is 70 to 40 bu/acre and Low < 40 bu/acre

Soil: Heavy is high organic matter/water capacity (heavy silt), Light is low organic matter/water capacity (sand or gravel)


6809 Wilburn Rd • Sun Priarie, WI 53590 • 1-800-Buy-Renk • RENKSEED.COM

Yield versus Plot Average

Maturity: 1.1